Pickup cars will become more expensive in Kazakhstan. Managing Director of the Association of Kazakhstan Automotive Business (AKAB) Murat Rakhimberdiev told a Tengrinews.kz correspondent about this.
In May 2013, the media reported that the Eurasian Economic Commission was introducing an anti-dumping duty on the import of light commercial vehicles from Germany, Italy and Turkey into the territory of the Customs Union. The decision applies to light commercial vehicles with a gross weight from 2,8 to 3,5 tons inclusive, with a diesel engine with a cylinder capacity of no more than 3 thousand cubic centimeters, with a “van” body type of the “all-metal cargo van” modification (intended for transportation cargo up to 2 tons inclusive) or modification “combi - cargo-passenger van” (designed for combined transportation of goods and people). The duty will begin to apply 30 calendar days from the date of publication of the EEC decision for a period of five years.
According to ACAB, the introduction of the new duty will affect the rise in prices of imported light commercial vehicles, including pickup trucks. The interlocutor noted that in Kazakhstan, the purchase of cars of this category in 2011 increased fivefold. However, the production of such cars in the republic is now very small (less than 500 units); basically all cars are imported, and this is about seven thousand units for 2012.
The association explains that anti-dumping measures are aimed at protecting manufacturers of light commercial trucks produced in the territory of the Customs Union. “In the near future, we predict growth in the commercial vehicle market, due to the fact that the commercial fleet in the country is worn out and this will serve as an impetus for the development of its own automotive industry. For our domestic manufacturers, this is an opportunity to attract foreign automobile companies and locate their production facilities in Kazakhstan,” said Rakhimberdiev.
It is worth noting that currently, among domestic manufacturers, only the Astana Motors company is developing the export direction of commercial cargo vehicles, which has entered into a large export contract for the supply of 2500 Hyundai trucks assembled in Kazakhstan to Russia.
Date: 10.06.2013.