Car registrations in the first quarter of 2021


 In January-March it was put on primary registration 33 157 Vehicle 
According to Association of Kazakhstan Auto Business (ACAB) in the first quarter of 2021, the administrative police authorities registered 333 409 vehicles (including cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles and trailers), What's on 19,3% more than in the first three months of 2020. Of them 300 252 units accounted for the secondary registration of equipment that changed owners, which 15,8% more than a year ago (259 units).

The share of initial registration in the first three months increased to 10%. The contribution of initially registered vehicles was 33 157 units that on 63,12% higher than the value of 2020 (20 units). Of them - 27 299 passenger cars, 3 233 units trailers and semi-trailers, 1 412 trucks, 472 minibus, 397 buses and 344motorcycle.

Based on the results of the reporting period, most often the first brands of cars are registered Hyundai (6 689 units), Chevrolet (6 376 units) Toyota (4 728 units), Nissan (1 553 units), Lada
(1 452 units), Kia (1 139 units) Volkswagen (787 units), GAS (773 units), JAC (727 units) and Renault(640 units).

And, Chevrolet leading in nine regions of the country from seventeenHyundai в fivethe regions (including Almaty and Nur-Sultan), а Toyota in the north-west of the country (in Mangystau, Aktobe and Atyrau regions).

In terms of regions in terms of primary car registrations, it traditionally leads Almaty, here in January-March it was registered 6 505 Vehicle (+ 63,2 %). The second position in the regional ranking is Nur-Sultan (4 units; +791%), next to the capital Almaty area (2 units; +556%), further down the list Shymkent (2 units; +221%), And Atyrau area — 2 172 initial registrations, growth compared to the same period last year 76,8%.

Important information

Registrations cover all transactions on the market, including primary official sales, primary sales by gray dealers, sales on the used car market. And also, entry into inheritance, acceptance under a donation agreement, lease, making changes to the registration certificate - installation of gas equipment, other changes in the technical characteristics of the car, replacement of SRTS and GRNZ in connection with the movement of the car to another area, due to loss.

Vehicle registrations include the following types of vehicles: passenger cars (including light commercial vehicles weighing up to 3,5 tons), minibuses, buses (with more than 16 seats, not including the driver's seat), trucks (weighing over 3,5 tons ), trailers and semi-trailers.
Date: 1.05.2021