Sales of used cars in the Republic of Kazakhstan 1H2023

Sales of used cars in the Republic of Kazakhstan 1H2023 - AKAB
Release date: 19.09.2023
Price: On request
Format: Excel


  1. Sales base of used cars in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1H2022-1H2023. (Sales database)
  2. Sales of used cars in the Republic of Kazakhstan by brands and models, units, 1H2022-1H2023, (Sales analysis)
  3. Sales of used cars by vehicle type, units, 1H2022-1H2023, (Sales by segments)
  4. Regional sales of used cars in the Republic of Kazakhstan, units, 1H2022-1H2023, (by brands and models), (Sales by regions)
  5. Sales of used cars by year of manufacture, units, 1H2022-1H2023, (Sales by years)
  6. Sales of used cars by country of production, units, 1H2022-1H2023, (Country of production)
  7. Ranking of the top 25 best-selling models of used cars in the Republic of Kazakhstan, units, 1H2022-1H2023, (by model, Republic of Kazakhstan), (TOP 25);
  8. Contacts;