According to the Association of Kazakhstan Auto Business (AKAB), in February 2018, 2 172 vehicles (cars, trucks, specialized vehicles, buses, trailers, semi-trailers), on 3.2% more than in January.
The cost of automotive products released in February is estimated at 12 million tenge, What's on 4,7% more than the result of January 2018 (12 million tenge). However, the cumulative result of the first two months exceeds the same result of last year in 2,4 times (24 688 million против 10 million tenge). Production volumes in physical terms exceeded last year's figure by 2 times. (4 277 против 2 175 units).
The main increase was provided by the production of passenger cars; this year, Kazakh enterprises produced 4124 car (+ 102.4 %), 83 truck (+ 22,1 %), 28 buses (+ 55,6 %) and 42 units of other specialized equipment.
Following the results of two months, by the forces of Ust-Kamenogorsk "Asia Auto" Was collected 2717 cars (mainly Russian Lada cars), in Kostanay"SaryarkaAvtoProm" produced 1407 units of equipment. To Kokshetau KAMAZ Engineering produced 48 trucks, Almaty Hyundai Trans Auto shipped 33 trucks and buses.
Domestic automakers are increasing production amid a rebound in consumer demand. The industry is actively supported by recycling programs and preferential car loans. In February, the Development Bank of Kazakhstan sent the previously announced 8 billion tenge for preferential car loans to individuals (In particular, Eurasian Bank, Sberbank, CenterCredit Bank, People's Bank of Kazakhstan - 1 million tenge each, VTB ( Kazakhstan) - 875 million tenge). According to the DBK, this year 500 applications were approved in the amount of 159 million tenge.
As part of the program for recycling old cars, Kazakhstanis this year received over two thousand discount certificates (315 tenge for the purchase of a new car made in Kazakhstan).

“Kazakhstandyk Avtokasipkerlik kauymdastygynyn” minor, 2018 zhyldyn ayynda 2 172 avtokolik (car, beetle avtokolikter, arnay avtokolikter, bustar, tirkemeler, zhartyly tirkemeler) Ondirildi, bul kantar aiyn Karaganda 3,2% artyk. Automatic wheel 12 million tenge Kuraydy, July 2018 4,7% artyk (12 million tenge). Alayda, algašky ekі idaғy zhinaktalgan natizhe otken zhyldyn ұқсас снәтижесінень 2,4 ese asyp otyr (10 102million tenge karsy 24 million). Zattay mandegi ondiris kolemi otken zhylgy korsetkishten 2 ese asty (2 175 Birlikke karsy 4 277). 4124 autocolic (+ 102,4%), 83 beetle (+ 22,1%), 28 bus (+ 55,6%) zhene 42 birlik baska mamanandyrylgan zhabdyk ondirildi. Eki aidyn korytyndysy boyynsha askmen kalasynyn "Asia Auto" companies 2 732avtokolikti (non-registered reseller of Lada avtokolikterin) zhinada, kostanaydagi "SaryarkaAvtoProm" - yes 1407 Birlik technology Ondirildi. Kokshetauda "KAMAZ Engineering" companies 48 Zhuk Koligin Shygaryp, Almaty Hyundai Trans Auto 33 zhүk zhәne bustaryn zөneltti. Unplug the car washer and turn it off. Please contact us about the issue of the car credit card on our website. Akpan ayynda “Kazakhstannyn Damu Banki” budan beri bolzhangan 8 billion tenge zheke tulgalarga zhumsady (atap aitkanda, “Eurazialyk Bank”, “Sberbank”, “Bank CenterCredit”, “Halyk Banki” - әrkaysysyna 1 875 million tenge, VTB (Kazakhstan) - 500 million tenge). KDB directory boyynsha biylgy zhyly 159 otinim makuldanda - 809,9 million tenge. Eski mashinalardy kaita ondeu bagdarlamasy ayasynda kazakstandyktar biylgy ekі mѣnan astam zhenіldіk certificatetaryn aldy (Kazakhstanda Ondirilgen zhan avtokolik satyp aluga 315 XNUMX our tenge).