• Based on the results of two months of 2018, 168 cars were registered in Kazakhstan
​​​​​​​• Toyota, Lada, Volkswagen are leaders in the number of registrations

According to the Association of Kazakhstan Auto Business (AKAB), in February state license plates received 88 326 units of equipment. Compared to January, the number of registrations increased by 9.9% (+22% compared to February 2017).

In addition to the traditional February growth, paid combinations with new letters G, I, J, Q on license plates also contributed to repeated registrations. New four letters, previously not used on license plates due to the similarity in spelling with the main characters, became available to Kazakhstanis in February.

Of the total number of registrations in the last month of winter, for the first time 5 843 car that's on 784 more than in January 2018. Rest 82 483units - re-registration of vehicles (all transactions on the secondary market, including re-registration of vehicles). Over 65% of the total number of registrations were for cars older than 10 years (57 units), equipment aged from 3 to 10 years – 22 units, up to 152 years – 8 647 auto. The lion's share of all registrations falls on individuals - 82 070 units of equipment against 6 256 cars registered to legal entities.

At the end of February, Toyota became the leader in the number of registrations - 13 883 operations, Lada (VAZ) – 11 831 automobile. Volkswagen is in third position: German cars are almost two times inferior - 6 462 registrations. Mercedes-Benz cars of all years of production – 6 114 auto. Audi closes the top five brands – 5 049 registrations.

​​​​​​​TOP 15 brands: all registrations 




In terms of regions, the South Kazakhstan region is in the lead, here in February it was registered 13 422 car. In second position is Almaty region (12 465). The third and fourth places in the ranking of regions are occupied by the cities of republican significance Almaty (10 779 units) and Astana (8086 units).




Important information:

​​​​​​​Registrations include all transactions on the market, including primary official sales, primary sales by gray dealers, sales on the used car market. And also, entry into inheritance, acceptance under a donation agreement, lease, making changes to the registration certificate - installation of gas equipment, other changes in the technical characteristics of the car, replacement of SRTS and GRNZ in connection with the movement of the car to another area, due to loss.

​​​​​​​Vehicle registrations include the following types of vehicles: passenger cars (including light commercial vehicles weighing up to 3,5 tons), minibuses, buses (with more than 16 seats, not including the driver's seat), trucks (weighing over 3,5 tons), trailers and semi-trailers.

For your information:

The Association of Kazakhstan Automotive Business (AKAB) is a non-profit organization that unites official distributors, dealers, and automakers of passenger and commercial vehicles in the Republic of Kazakhstan. ACAB is the only organization that officially receives data on sales, production and registrations of cars in Kazakhstan and has the right to distribute them.

​​​​​​​​The main task of ACAB is to form a competitive, strong, modern market in Kazakhstan, based on the best international standards and practices, as well as to organize a balanced system of relationships between the state and participants in the automotive market: consumers and suppliers of goods and services in the automotive industry and spare parts.

Additional information, interview requests, comments: +7 (727) 300 70 45

Date: 7.03.2018